RUNEON Bile Acids for Pets Health


Tear Problem of Dogs

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The First Reason of Tear

Tears are a weakly acidic, clear and colorless liquid. Most of the composition is water (98.2%) and contains small amounts of inorganic salts, proteins, lysozyme, immunoglobulin A, and other complement materials. One function of tears is physical lubrication, and the other is to prevent pathogen infection. Continuing secretion of excessive tears in dogs indicates that the local mucosal immune barrier function of the ocular surface is reduced and the pathogens are not completely eliminated.

 To remove the pathogens, the immunoglobulin SIgA is required, but the immune-globulin SIgA itself has no scavenging function and must rely on complement proteins and macrophages. Complement protein is the key, which activates the activity of immunoglobulin A, removes pathogens, promotes eye health, and prevents repeated infections.Insufficient amount of complement protein is the key to the problem of tears. The liver is the main organ for the synthesis of complement proteins, and we can figure out the problems here: liver dysfunction insufficient synthesis of complement protein – malfunction of immunoglobulin SigA unremoved irritants continuing secretion of excessive tears .

 Therefore, the fundamentally and most ideal treatment to the problem is to improve the liver functions to solve the tear problem.

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The Second Reason of Tear

Tear problem is caused by porphyrins. Porphyrin is a toxic metabolite of iron porphyrin compounds in the body, which is produced by the breakdown of natural red blood cells containing iron. The dog's porphyrin is discharged from tears, saliva, and urine. When the tears and saliva containing porphyrin are not cleaned up in a light-colored fur, they will appear rusted color when exposed to the air. The oxidation process can cause the dog's fur colored. Pets have more severe tear problems under the sun. If the color of the tear marks is brown rather than red like rust, it is usually because the fur near the tear marks has a fungus and bacterial infection in the tears due to long-term infiltration, which will make the tears stink and bring dis-comfortable body odor to the pets.

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Bad Fur and Dark Color

The problems of fur and its color of dogs and cats are largely due to poor absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. (Vitamins A, D, E, and K are classified as fat-soluble vitamins. They can be dissolved by lipids and enter the bloodstream through the small intestine. The body absorbs them in the same way as fat, and these fat-soluble vitamins are stored in liver and adipose tissue. Like minerals, fat-soluble vitamins have different effects in the body and can be found in a variety of foods. This is why eating a balanced diet is important. Fat-soluble vitamins are very important to keep good conditions of the eyes, skins, furs, bones and blood.) The lack of bile secretion affects the digestion and absorption of fat, which affects the digestion and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Because fat-soluble vitamins provide nutrients for fur follicles and promote the regeneration of fur, they will directly affect the health of dog fur. Thus the dog's fur and its color have a lot to do with the health of the liver.

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Fatty Liver and Jaundice of Cats

Cat liver has unique physiological characteristics because it cannot synthesize arginine, and thus cat must take essential amino acids from food. What’s more, glucuronyl-transfer- enzyme is relatively lacking in cat body, but many drug metabolisms require the participation of this enzyme. The liver acts as a hub for fat hydrolyzation and transportation. If a lesion occurs, the secretion of liver lipolytic enzymes will decrease, resulting in accumulation of liver fat to form fatty liver.

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Drug Liver

Dogs and cats will inevitably use some drugs such as anti-infective or anti-fungal drugs, etc. As the saying goes, every drug has its side effect. The liver, as the largest detoxification organ in the body, uses a series of reactions such as oxidative binding when the drug is used, in order to convert drugs into a non-toxic or less toxic substance.

Geriatric Liver Disease

With the development of medical level of animals and the changes of animal living environment, the life expectancy of dogs and cats is prolonged, accompanied by the aging of the body. The incidence of liver disease is significantly increased, and more than 5% of dog and cat diseases are related to liver diseases. Old dogs and cats are in the threat of liver diseases.

In summary, it is very necessary to care for the liver of a pet. How to care for the liver? Let's first take a look at the body's most important organ--the liver.

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1.Metabolic Function

These include anabolism, catabolism and energy metabolism. The daily intake of food contains various nutrients such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. These substances are sent to the liver after initial digestion and absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, and are decomposed in the liver. " Proteins are broken down (decomposed) into amino acids, fats are broken down into fatty acids, etc., and the "small substances" that are broken down are synthesized into proteins, fats, and some special carbohydrates or energy substances in the liver according to the needs of the body.

2. Detoxification function

During the metabolism of the body, the portal vein collects blood from the abdominal cavity, and harmful substances in the blood and microbial antigens will be detoxified and eliminated in the liver. It protects the body from damage and makes the poison a non-toxic or highly soluble substance that is excreted with bile or urine, which is an important function of life support. When the liver's detoxification function subsides, toxic substances in the body will accumulate, which not only damages other organs, but also further aggravates liver damage. Such as advanced cirrhosis, severe hepatitis and so on.

3. Secretion of bile

Hepatocytes can continuously produce bile acids and secrete bile stored in the gallbladder. Bile can promote fat digestion and absorption, and is beneficial to the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.If the intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile ducts are clogged, the bile can't be efflux naturally, and the bile acids can't work. They can only accumulate in the blood, so they appear jaundice. Astragalus can be a disease of the liver itself, or it can be an extrahepatic lesion, or it may be caused by hemolysis. At this time, the intake of some exogenous bile acids can solve this problem well.

4. Immune defense function

Kupffer cells in the liver, foreign molecules that enter the blood, especially granular antigenic substances, if they have the opportunity to pass through the liver, are swallowed, digested, or pretreated to other immune cells. Clear. In addition, the lymphocytes in the liver are also high in content, especially in the case of an inflammatory reaction, lymphocytes in blood or other lymphoid tissues quickly "rush" to the liver to solve the problem of inflammation.

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Product Description
Bile acids is the main active ingredient of bile. It is a series of sterols produced during cholesterol metabolism in animals. It is a complex mixture of components with multiple biological activities. Bile acid is derived from bile and is weakly acidic, so it is named bile acid.
1. Bile acids can promote bile secretion and the excretion of bilirubin, and can fundamentally reduce the tear marks of pets.
2. Bile acids can improve the absorption and utilization of polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins, improve their fur condition. Bile acid promotes the digestion of lipids and cholesterol, and is an important method for preventing diseases such as obesity, fatty liver, hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis.
3. Bile acids can improve the body's anti-stress ability, improve the activity of SOD, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase, scavenge free radicals, ensure the health of the body; can also reduce the adrenal gland in canine serum Corticosteroids (ACTH) and cortisol (COR) promote the secretion of thyroxine in dogs, improve the metabolism of dogs and cats, relieve the symptoms of digestive and metabolic disorders, and protect the body against immune stress and exciting adverse effects on dogs and cats.
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